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  • Writer's pictureTanya Kotlowski

Learning is Uncomfortable: Modeling Matters

As we think creatively about designing a school system that meets the needs of every child, there lies some cynicism in this well-intentioned agenda.

Surely, students need try things that are uncomfortable for them, in order to stretch their limits, because they need experiences that allow them to be challenged.

I hated public speaking in high school, and still do; however, I look back and realize my speech class helped me grow, and even positively contributed to some of tasks required of me today. We, as educators, need to acknowledge certain skills are uncomfortable for individual students and provide options, support, and inspiration to build their confidence to try, fail, and try again. Let's not judge our children, but put systems in place to ensure all learning is within individual reach. By providing every child with descriptive feedback to help them grow from where they are at, and allowing them to make mistakes without penalty, but with ideas for next steps, goal setting, and options; we can build individual confidence for lifelong learning. After all, our world requires all of us to learn, unlearn and relearn in both our personal and professional lives, at a constant level of disruption. We must be, and we must help our children be, adaptable to a change-oriented world.

How can you help a child learn to be adaptable to uncertainty and constant change? How can you model this level of flexibility, patience, and perseverance? What we role model matters. Our children are watching.

. Our children need us!

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